5 foods you must avoid for healthy lifestyle.

What you eat or drink is most important factor for your health. If you don't excercise just leave sedentary lifestyle but having strong nutrition profile then you live much healthy life then person who work hard but having unhealthy food profile..

5 foods/drink you must avoid.

1. Cold drink/ soda

It may be any kind, may be diet soda or regular soda both are harmful for your body.
On average regular soda contain 270 kcal extra without any nutrition profile its just refined sugar, which shoots your insulin level and increase insulin resistance which further lead to obesity and cardiovascular problems.

2. Beer

It increases risk of obesity.
As beee enter in your system it converted into acetate and in presence of acetate fat metabolism suppressed drastically.
Beer itself increase appetite which lead to intake of excess calories which you dont need. 

3. Cookies

Its mostly madeup of refined sugar and refined grain. Which is high in glycemic index and lead to insulin shoot and insulin resistance in long run especially if you take in large quantity.

4. Package foods 

One of the major cause of obesity and lifestyle issues are package foods like chips, fries etc. 
They are highly processed with lack of all important nutrients lead to insulin resistance and end up with ton of extra calories eg. 1 medium size packet of chips contain roughly 300 to 400 kcal and this all are processed calories which significantly increased insulin level because they are very High in glycemic index.

5. Excess sugar and salt.

Few studies show that sugar is about 8 time more addictive then cocaine for human brain. 
And excessive salf influence dopamine receptor inside your brain which act as pleasure and pleasent for human brain. Ultimately lead to intake extra amount of food which your body dont need. 
Sugar increase vicious cycle for more and more food to remain constant stimulation for brain.


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