Introducing protein and why you need protein in your diet.

Protein is a part of every cell in the body that helps it to build and repair cells and tissues. In the Greek language, it is known as proteios, which means “primary”. 
It is a major component of the skin, muscle, bone, organs, hair, and nails. 
Research  reveals  that  most  age/sex  groups  appeared  to  consume  more  protein than the respective estimated average requirement, while a significant percentage of adolescent females and older women appeared to have inadequate protein intake. 
Protein intake averaged 56 ± 14 gms/day in young children, increased to a high of ≈91 ± 22 gms/day in adults aged 19–30y, and decreased to ≈66 ± 17 gms/day in the elderly in the US.
 In India, people consume diets that are rich in carbohydrates which constitute approximately 70-80% of their food. Protein sources that are consumed by Indians include dairy products, pulses, chicken, and eggs in the case of non-vegetarians, but in a limited quantity. 
In India, it has become a cultural practice to eat protein only on a few days of the week or on some special occasions. The reality is that given its importance in our overall health, it should be consumed every single day. It took this pandemic for people to understand the importance of building their immunity, and protein is vital for the same. Besides, your hair and nails also grow stronger because of protein. 
The Indian Market Research Bureau’s 2017 report states that protein deficiency among Indians stands at more than 80 percent, measured against the recommended 60 gm per day. 
Vegetarians are most likely to be deficient in protein intake. Hence, including protein sources in daily life will fill the gap. 
One gram of protein provides around four calories, but it provides more satiety that makes us feel fuller than carbohydrates and fat over a longer period of time.
 A diet that is rich in protein lowers appetite, in turn leading to possible weight loss by reducing the intake of calorie-dense foods.


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