5 myths about proteins.
Myth 1: Vegans and Vegetarians need supplements.
Most vegans and vegetarians appear to consume less protein than omnivores. The protein quality is another concern as most plant-based sources are incomplete, missing important amino acids, and typically less Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) than the animal-derived equivalents. To complete the protein requirement of the day from a high-quality source, supplementation might be beneficial but not mandatory.
Myth 2: Protein supplementation is important for those building muscle mass.
A supplement is introduced when you are unable to meet the requirements from whole food sources. Protein supplements are helpful even when the goal is not to build muscle mass. A typical Indian vegetarian diet is not very rich in protein. Hence, not just bodybuilders, but any person who is unable to meet the protein requirement through their diet may consume whey protein.
Myth 3: Protein damages your kidney.
Several studies have shown that a high protein diet does not show any adverse effect on kidney functioning in a healthy individual. People with existing renal disorders should take a low protein diet.
Myth 4: Protein is protein.
Not all protein sources are equal. As discussed above, there are different types of protein, namely complete, incomplete, and complementary protein, depending on the amino acid profile.
Myth 5: Is it important to take protein when one is not training?
Yes! It is important to complete the protein requirement of the day even on non-training days. The body needs protein to perform various functions.
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