practice intermittent fasting as lifestyle.

Intermittent fasting is a type of fasting practice in which we having eating window and fasting window. Most of the benefits of fasting usually came with 8 hour eating window and 16 hours fasting window. 

What are benifits???

Weight loss
Autophagy benifit
Low oxidative stress
Decrease ageing process
Mental clearance

How to approach??

Intermittent fasting should be gradual Process usually start with skipping single meal. most of people are not hungry in morning so start with skipping breakfast. Fasting window 9 PM to 1 PM and eating window last between 1PM to 9PM.

What i can take in fasting window??

Water, black coffee without sugar, tea without sugar and milk

What should avoid in eating window for max weight loss effect??

Avoid all refined sugar product like colddrink, sugar, icecream, cake. 
Increase protein diet atleast 1Gm per KG of bodyweight. 
Increase good Fat in diet. Fats are essential for normal body functions so dont avoid.
Take more fruits. 

How much time it take for start benifits ??

About 14 days effect will start. 


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